Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve put together a bunch of questions that are often asked by residents of Honeywood. If you’d like to submit a new or updated answer, you can do so here.

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The Cockburn Aquatic and Recreation Facility is a $106 million facility which will be located adjacent the Cockburn Train station that started construction in early 2015. The facility will include outdoor and indoor pools, waterslides, recovery pools, a water playground and become the new home for the Fremantle Dockers, providing training and administration facilities for the football club. It is due for completion in mid-2017. For more information please see
Honeywood falls within the local intake area for the below public schools: Honeywood Primary School (Kindy and Preprimary 2017) (K-6 2018) 54/6 Honeywood Ave, Wandi WA 6167 0484 352 478 Aubin Grove Primary School 85 Camden Bvd, Aubin Grove WA 6164 (08) 9499 4009 Email: Atwell College (Secondary) 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164 (08) 9414 4300, Email: For details on enrolment please see Private schools in the area are listed below: Hammond Park Catholic Primary School 25 Woodrow Avenue Hammond Park WA 6164 08 6595 6100 Divine Mercy College (Primary/Secondary) 326 Yangebup Road 08 9417 3267 Emmanuel Catholic College (Secondary) CnrBeelier Drive (Hammond Road), Beeliar WA 6164 08 9414 4000 Mater Christi Catholic Primary School 340 Yangebup Road, Yangebup WA 6164 08 9417 5756
With regard to the Local Centre site (Shops), investigations and modelling undertaken by Taktics4 (on behalf of the proponent) suggest the Wandi locality may be capable of supporting a local centre of up to 750 square metres of retail floor space by 2021 and 1250 square metres by 2031.
The two closest to Honeywood are listed below: Atwell-Aubin Grove Vet Address: 2/14, Mapleton Avenue, Aubin Grove Phone (08) 6595 3335 Hammond Park Veterinary Clinic Address: Unit 7, 2 Brushfoot Blvd, Success/Hammond Park Clinic: (08) 9498 7937 24hrs : 04 2522 0506 Closet 24 hour emergency vet is WAVES Veterinary Hospital, located at 1/640 Beeliar Drive, Success WA. They can be contacted on 9412 5700.
The closest hospitals are: Fiona Stanley Hospital General enquiries (08) 6152 2222 102 – 118 Murdoch Drive Murdoch Armadale Health Service General enquiries (08) 9391 2000 3056 Albany Highway Armadale The closet private hospital to Honeywood is St John of God Murdoch, which is located next to the Fiona Stanley Hospital. St John of God Murdoch Tel: (08) 9366 1111 100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch WA 6150
The Sounds Telegraph is distributed to 400 households in Wandi. If you would like to place an advertisement or check if it can be delivered to your residence, please use the contact details below. The Sound Telegraph Phone: 08 9592 0200 Fax: 08 9527 8977 The sound telegraph can be accessed online at The Weekend Courier also covers our area. It can be read online at
Your first step should be to approach the owner of the dog and explain the situation, they may not even be aware that the dog is barking. If this fails, you have an option to make a complaint to your local ranger via the City Assist service on 9439 0400 or by emailing​. Honeywood is a new estate and many families may be adding a puppy or a dog to their household, so please be understanding of the animal’s need to adjust to new environments.
Doggie bags will be provided by the council in authorised dog exercise areas only. Hopefully one will be introduced into the estate shortly – if you want to help hurry it along, don’t forget to sign the petition! In the meantime, it has been noticed that some residents are not cleaning up after their dog’s excrement and this can make our beautiful parks quite unpleasant. Regardless of whether dog poo bags are provided for you or not, it is still your responsibly to clean up after your dog. You can be fined for not picking up your dog’s mess!
If you find a snake do not approach or aggravate it in any way. Most bites occur when people accidentally step on snakes, or while attempting to kill them. As the warmer days of spring approach, snakes become more active as they leave their winter retreats in search of a mate and food. If you find a snake in a garden or a house, contact Wildcare Helpline 9474 9055 to be referred to a volunteer reptile remover. If volunteers are unavailable, there are commercial snake removal services. Advice can be provided by phoning the Department of Parks and Wildlife on 9219 9840.
Residents will be notified of upcoming community tree planting days via the Face Book page, our events page and through the Wandi Warbler. As well as those occasionally run in Honeywood, the Wandi Landcare group based at the Wandi Resource Centre also organise tree planting days each year.
Green waste bins are collected weekly on Tuesdays. Recycling bins are collected fortnightly on Tuesdays. Please note the City of Kwinana has 4 Green Waste and 2 Junk/Whitegoods collections per year. Dates are below. Residents can also acquire a new 360 litre recycling​ bin – that’s 50% larger than the regular 240 litre recycling bin. If you’d like to upgrade your current recycling bin, please contact Cleanaway on 1300 293 955. A one-off fee of $50 will be charged by City of Kwinana.

Get in touch with us

The Honeywood Residents Group is an incorporated association with a committee steered by a group of volunteers living in the estate that supports the local interests of residents in Honeywood and surrounds.

© 2025 · Honeywood Residents Group Inc