Supacool Air Conditioning
Supacool Air Conditioning

Southside Equipment Hire
Southside Equipment Hire
South Bark Dog Wash
South Bark Dog Wash

Shield Electrical Services (WA)
Shield Electrical Services (WA)
Over The Hedge Services
Over The Hedge Services
Honeywood Contracting
Honeywood Contracting
Honeywood Accounting
Honeywood Accounting
Shapefit Personal & Group Training
Shapefit Personal & Group Training
HD Window Clean
HD Window Clean
Want to get listed?
If you are a resident of Wandi and you own or manage a small business, we invite you to list in our Local Business Directory. All financial members are eligible to list, and at only $10 per household per year, that’s the cheapest digital marketing you’ll ever get!
If you are not a resident of Wandi but you have a business located in Wandi or within a 1.5km radius and would like to list in our Local Business Directory, please contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.