Water Supply

Some residents have occasionally reported that their water tastes different from what they are used to. Often they describe it as tasting “like it has too much chlorine” or occasionally as “soapy.” This is very common if you have moved areas, however some people find it a bit distasteful! A common solution that our residents have mentioned is installing a water filter under the sink. You can purchase these from Bunnings, and you can get one installed for under $200. A number of residents have conducted testing on drinking water in Honeywood, and it is within a safe and acceptable range. If you have any water issues that you are concerned about, please contact the Water Corporation of WA on 13 13 75 (faults, emergencies & security) or you can report a non-urgent fault online at http://www.watercorporation.com.au/faults/report-a-fault

Get in touch with us

The Honeywood Residents Group is an incorporated association with a committee steered by a group of volunteers living in the estate that supports the local interests of residents in Honeywood and surrounds.

© 2025 · Honeywood Residents Group Inc